Lt. William Jamison

Lt. William Jamison
circa 1972 Age 25

Missing for 3 decades

Bill Jamison disappeared on March 26-27, 1981. Bill, a white male, was 5’9” tall, approximately 220 lbs., dark brown hair, green eyes, and was 33 years old at the time of his disappearance. He would be 64 years this year. He was last seen in the Chez Lounge and St. George Diner in Linden, NJ. He lived in the Colfax Manor Apartments in Roselle Park, New Jersey and worked for Haug Die Casting Co. in Kenilworth, New Jersey. He also owned property and resided in Strathmere, New Jersey. Also missing is his company car – a 1981 Ford LTD Station Wagon, midnight blue, NJ Plates # 861-PKY.